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The Potter's Church holds Sunday Morning Worship Services at 10:00 am Weekly biblical studies on Wednesday at 7:15 pm and Open Mic Nights
on The 1st Saturday of Every Month from 7-9 pm.
You can also subscribe to Coffee with Pastor Scott on YouTube or read years of Pastor Scott's blogs archived for your convenience at
We believe at The Potter's Church that by approaching the scriptures in their correct historical context, along with a proper hermeneutic,
The True Gospel Message of The Kingdom and Christ's Holy Spirit
can be experienced without measure and to no end.
By offering kids shirts for 50 cents, pants for $1.00, jackets for $2.00, coats for $3.00 and adult shirts for $1.00, pants for $2.00, jackets for $3.00, and coats for $5.00 along with many other items like shoes, purses, books, toys, CDs, DVDs, toasters, coffee makers, and many other lightly used donated household items, The Potter's Hand helps by giving hope to families while meeting the clothing and household needs of people who may find themselves struggling through economically challenging times.
We are at 6228 S. Archer Rd. in Summit IL.
Open Mon-Sat 11 am to 7 pm 708-663-3501